A user friendly app, full of knowledge and insight, which brings the seething powers of Lucifer right into the hands of the adept. Gain access to a diverse library of over 100 classic magical book titles in PDF format. With some dating as far back as the days of ancient Egypt, with this comprehensive collection of texts readers and magicians alike will now have all of magick within reach.
Bonus features also include the world renown "Bornless Ritual", instructions on the LBRP/Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Ritual of the Hexagram, and the daily Solar Adoration's as described by the Beast himself, Aleister Crowley. This app is for all seeking the light in its entirety, for followers of both the right and left hand path.
Available texts include the Goetia, Grand Keys of Solomon, The Book of Hermes, The Book of the Dead, The Book of Agrippa, The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, and other titles which cover everything from Freemasonry, Rosicrucion's, Golden Dawn, Witchcraft, Magic Spells, Talismans, Enchantments, and much more.